Saturday, October 16, 2010
Biznasty in a nutshell.
So... I have been sleep walking every night and buying resses peanut butter cups and eating them in my bed... I keep waking up with dried chocolate on my face and wrappers all up in my bed. I'm using my laundry quarters to do this... this is unacceptable... it really is... I'm about to killa bitch. It needs to stop.
I also am proud to say that I on my own am developing a Boston accent. It's exciting. The key to a Boston accent is, foget all r's in woods, an uh yous gotta say uh afta and, and I. and uh, i uh, and uh add s's to yo yous, and with woods endin in an a (such as idea) add an r at the end, i gotta idear fo what tah do tahnight. if yous have to use an r, its said like Ah, like haaht (fo "heart"). I love the people fom boston and this is not insultin meh fends, i wanna be fom boston too.