Saturday, December 4, 2010

I've been gone almost a month.

So much has happened in the past month! Way too much to write about, and I've been extremely busy. Right now I'm just trying to hold onto my high gpa and get through the rough process of studying for finals. It's gonna be a rough 10 days until I'm home, but I am prepared for it. I'll start with the past first:

I've been working very hard in school and was very relieved when thanksgiving break came, I also have decided to write a book, and so I haven't had much free time. Over thanksgiving break I decided to stop writing, to stop reading, to stop doing school work, to stay on campus alone and relax. This was going fantastically until I realized how lonesome I was without everyone. I had gone an entire day without seeing any other living human and decided to venture out of the room in which I was staying to look for human contact. I realized that two of my amigos, Dan and Rachel were still on campus. Perfect. I would spend the next few days with these people just chilling out and having fun. I then realized I needed a break from South Florida entirely and went to my grandpas house in Okeechobee, FL. I saw mass amounts of alligators guarding the borders of the swamps that occupy most of the land in that part of Florida, and could feel evil hillbilly eyes on me throughout my escapades over the two days I was there. Walking into a gas station at 9pm in hicksville is like walking into an 18+ club. There's a million drunk idiots around without a shirt on. The entire town was there and gave my daily apparel funny looks. I was fine with this. I wanted to go tip a cow, but it was too much work. The best part of this entire experience was when I was laying outside at 2am and looked up at the stars. I had never seen so many stars in my entire life, it made me realize a lot of things in my life that I had forgotten. Very important things and made my realize that your roots are everything; they are the foundation for who we are today, and without them who we have become will crumble. I returned back to campus and had another couple of relaxing days before the return of my biznasty crackbench crew. This past week has been extremely difficult in terms of school work, keeping up with my writing (the only thing that makes me truly happy at the moment), and reevaluating all of my life's goals, aspirations and dreams. I had to not get a reality check, but lay out exactly what I want for myself in the next few years, and the steps in which I need to take to achieve these ambitions. None of them are impossible, impossible is nonexistent so I have come to realize in the past 9 months.

Now, I sit awake at 2am thinking about all the shit I have to deal with in the next ten days. I am also having some difficulties in the process of transferring. The University is trying to fuck me over and they're a bunch of idiots if they think I will sit and do nothing about it. Apparently they have never had to deal with an ex cokehead who recently gave up his severe redbull addiction on a massive power trip. They keep "losing" all documentation of my loans, grants, etc, and are refusing to release my transcripts, records and aid. This could cause a wide array of problems for my future as a college student. I am taking problems into my own hands though and fixing this bullshit. With the help of an intimidating mother. I also am trying to pick my classes for next semester (which I will be taking back in Minnesota) as well as applying to schools for next fall. Not to mention I have been coming down with a new illness every single day. Going from feeling like i have a cold, to a sore throat, to a bad cough and headache, to a stomach, to my whole body hurting, vision going blurry, excessive sleep to insomia, it's ridiculous. I don't know what the hell is going on, but it really needs to stop.

Future. In the next few weeks I will have packed up all of my stuff and trekked back into the treacherous weather of Minnesota. This is only temporary. I will also have enrolled in MCTC, picked my classes, finished applying to schools for next year, started working again, started to get all of my debt in order (there's a lot, blame Lanvin), celebrated the holidays, made a spiritual trip to Fairfield, caught up with old friends, and celebrated my nine months without shady business (an achievement I almost lost for the first time in a long time the other day).

Shit's been busy and I wish I had some more humorous things to write about like I normally do, but unfortunately I do not. It's all kind of bleh right now, but that's life, and as bob marley and the three little birds sang "don't worry, about a thing, because every little thing, is gonna be alright." I've aged 10 years in the past few months. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I should still be a kid, but I have become far more responsible, happy, and well adjusted. I have a lot of shit that goes on in my head that I should probably get looked into at some point in time, but for the most part, I know how to handle things and I can still enjoy my days even if things don't go as planned.

See you soon Minnesota.