Sunday, December 12, 2010
Goodbyes Are For Cancer Patients... A Bientôt To Some Of The Greatest I've Ever Met.
I am no good at goodbyes. I realized this, but I realize that I should only say goodbye when someone is on their death bed, because if I care about you enough (which I probably do), then I will see you again. So it's never goodbye, it's simply A bientôt mes amis for now. I'm posting this on my blog, because 1.) I'm a loser, and you all know that. 2.) I'm better writing out what I feel than saying it. 3.) I'm packed to the brim with finals, packing, and organizing my life pre-takeoff, and I might not have a chance to have a proper parting with all of you.
I took a chance, and move to South Florida, a place I had never been and never really heard of outside of bad shows on E! and LMFAO lyrics. I'm really happy I did. I have met some of the most wonderful people in the entire world, people I will never forget, and people I will surely see many more times in my life.
I had a fantastic roommate who has made me even more excited about my European travels, and has taught me a lot about little things, and the little things matter a lot. I have made best friends with people from Detroit and New Jersey, people who don't take shit for anything, dance like no one is looking and they've accepted me for who I am, warts and all (I don't actually have warts... gross... its an expression), and they have made me laugh everyday. I will be friends with them forever and would trust them with my entire life. I met a girl from New York, a pissed off Manhattan debutant with eyes that burn, and looks to kill. I knew we would be friends from the second she asked for a lighter, all she's ever looking for is a smile, and she's going to get a lot more than that in life surely. I met a similar guy who looks thug, but could tell you more about art and art history than Mona Lisa herself. He's taught me to always look past the core in people and to see what they're really about. Then there's the Florida native, with bigger balls than an elephant, she speeds, swears, and her italian ass will be your best friend or worst enemy. The one who wears no shoes is also very special, one to welcome you with open arms and open legs... easily the funniest most carefree person alive.
These people and all the others I've met will never be replaced, and will skype me WEEKLY. if not daily... I will always know all of you and I will see many of you soon!
I leave only best wishes behind,
Trevor E. Church