Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Classes and other bullshit.

So that's me... at a gas station... in FUCKING KENTUCKY.

My schedule. 3 days a week of creative writing and psychology. 2 days a week of math, spanish and philosophy. Thats a fucking joke. I've been stuck in my dorm room all day instead of out having fun with friends. I am a slave to microsoft word and facebook. It's not my fault. I'm now sitting up, at 2:30am.. on facebook, and on here updating, and watching psycho... when really i should be asleep because I have class early tomorrow. I'm also going to try and hit the beach (which is beautiful and a few days ago the water had a temperature of 84 degrees). Life here is interesting, there has yet to be a dull moment. Although... i'm already applying to other schools as a transfer for next year... (I cant stay in one place too long). Thats all for now.